Malawi - Delegation
Brief history of The Province
Our Lady of Hope-Malawi delegation was officially established on 1st March 2022 as a delegation under Queen of Apostles North-Eastern Africa Province. This is one of the fruits of the process of external reconfiguration of the Institute as stipulated in the theme of the XVII general chapter. The Church in Malawi takes great care for catechesis, education and evangelisation in general, and is also attentive to the needs of the people. It is a partner to the government in addressing social problems through schools, hospitals and dispensaries and projects of development.
Canossian Daughters of Charity started the Mission in Malawi on 21st January, 1975. Upon the invitation of late Bishop Alesandro Assorari. The sisters were invited to help the girls and young women who by then had a big challenge of Education in the Catholic diocese of Mangochi. In 1991, Malawi became one of the country members of the Queen of Apostles North-Eastern Africa Province.
The Canossian sisters are present in Malawi with five communities found in two dioceses. Four communities are established in Mangochi diocese found in the southern region and one in Lilongwe Arch-diocese in the capital city of Malawi central region where sisters offer various ministries of Charity to make Jesus known and loved. The sisters are involved in kindergarten, primary and secondary education; in caring for the sick in hospital, dispensaries and in their homes; in catechesis and various ministries in the parishes.
Balaka Community 1975
This is the foundation community in Malawi established in 1975 still having one of the pioneer sisters, sister Luisa Tornaghi second from the right side in the picture. It was opened for the care and formation of secondary school girls and evangelization. Currently the community is involved in kindergarten and primary education in Bakhita kindergarten and Bakhita Girls Primary School.
Mangochi Community 1981
The community was opened in 1981 in the area where there is big number of Muslims. The main ministry is the pastoral care of the sick in Koche Hospital that helps a large and populated area. The sisters are also involved in the parish. There is also a house for residential aspirants in Malawi. Which is currently not in use.
Nsanama Community 1988
The community of Nsanama started in 1988 in a rural setup. The main aim was to provide possibilities of education to the girls of the surrounding villages. Currently the sisters are involved in evangelization in the parish and education in kindergarten and primary school originally initiated by the family movement of the Parish.
Kanengo Community 1992
This only is the community found in Lilongwe Arch-diocese which was opened in 1992 having also one of the pioneer sisters, sister Giuseppina Allieri positioned in the middle of the picture. Since then the sisters are working in collaboration with the parish of Saint Francis of Assisi, Kanengo, in a sub-urban setting in Lilongwe the capital city of Malawi. Catechisis, formation of leaders in the Basic Christian Communities (B.C.C.) and of the various groups present in the parish with the particular attention to women and the youth, are part of the daily mission of the sisters in this community.
The sisters are also involved in collaborating with different projects; Home Based Care (HBC) for the support and care of AIDS patients, yased project for the development and vocational training of the youth and counselling group for families and youth.
Mponda Community 2002
The community of Mponda started in 2002 in Balaka District. The community is involved in education. It was established with an aim of providing quality education and a better future for girls at Secondary and tertiary level. It was composed of Bakhita Girls Secondary School and Technical College for business and secretarial studies. Currently the community is involved in Bakhita Girls Secondary School which is boarding having more than 600 girls, offering holistic and quality education to the girls.
Balaka – Malawi – Scuola Elementare Canossiana
250 anni fa oggi, 1° Marzo, nasceva a Palazzo Canossa S. Maddalena, nostra Fondatrice Madre.. Una vita.. un sogno... quando si nasce si ha in sé il seme divino, la chiamata da realizzare nella vita... Maddalena ha risposto al Signore e ha realizzato senza sosta tanto...
40 anni in missione e di missione / 40 years in mission and of mission
Dopo 40 anni mi ritrovo oggi a sorridere / After 40 years I find myself smiling today
Malawi – Applicative phase of the Chapter
The 19th January 2023 was the day we commenced the Chapter Assembly for Malawi Delegation, Our Lady of Hope.