It is the power of Love that does not die
It is the energy of the new Life of the risen world
It is the mission that bears witness to the power of God’s love
It is our prayer of peace and hope for those who are
immersed in the “icy wind of war”
Dear Sisters,
the Paschal Mystery we celebrate this year still finds us immersed in dramatic situations. Natural disasters, the fury of violence and the shipwrecks of migrants affect the lives of so many brothers and sisters from ‘next door’. The disturbing question arises: where am I, how am I?
Once again, let us choose to pray, to anchor ourselves to trust in God without losing the strength of hope, repeating to ourselves, as in a litany, the words of St. Paul: “Nothing therefore can come between us and the love of Christ, even if we are troubled or worried, or being persecuted, or lacking food or clothes, or being threatened or even attacked… These are the trails through which we triumph, by the power of him who loved us”. (Rm 8,35-37)
With Jesus, the Risen Lord, no night is endless and even in the thickest darkness the morning star always shines. May the Lord, on this night, give us different eyes to overcome, with courage, every fear and pain.
With determination, let us entrust ourselves to the Mother of Christ: She, who accompanied her Son on the path to Calvary, who remained beneath the Cross at the hour of his death, who encouraged the Church in its beginning so that it might bear living witness to him. May She guide the hearts of all to the light that bursts forth from Christ’s Resurrection, the definitive victory of the Greatest Love.
Easter greetings in the Risen Lord
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