Australia - Delegation
Brief history of The Province
Currently in the Delegation of Australia we have 36 Sisters who serve in five communities and two apostolic groups. We serve in three different geographical States of Australia, these being Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory. Whilst we have four institutions that we own and operate (one large health care/retirement complex, one aged care facility and two early child care centres), our Sisters are involved in a variety of ministries including teaching, nursing, pastoral care, sacramental preparation, assisting ethnic and migrant communities, counselling, social work and spiritual direction.
The very nature of the Delegation of Australia is extremely multicultural, with Sisters who come from 10 different countries of origin. Whilst there is a shift in recent years, the majority are still missionary Sisters. We give witness to the reality that it is possible for people of different cultures and ages to live together in a spirit of unity and collaboration.
At present, the largest age group of Sisters in the Delegation are those above 75 years (13 out of 36). Many of these Sisters are still serving in active ministry and continue to sustain the life of the Delegation through their commitment and dedication.
We are encouraged however by a recent number of new vocations and young people expressing interest in discerning a possible vocation with us. A number of Sisters are engaged in vocation promotion and youth ministry on a part-time basis, with an emphasis across the Delegation on being present to young people where they are and availing ourselves to accompany them in their searching.
During 2019 we have celebrated two very significant events in the life of our Delegation. Firstly, in July we commemorated 70 years of Canossian presence in Australia. Since 1949 Sisters have been striving to make Jesus known and loved in Australia. This anniversary was a beautiful opportunity to give thanks to God for His blessings, as well as to remember all the Sisters who have paved the way for us to carry on the mission today.
In September, we had the joy to welcome a new Canossian Sister to our Religious Family. Sr. Linh Dinh made her first profession of vows, which was an extremely precious moment for all of us.
At this moment in our Canossian story in Australia, we are invited to look to where the Spirit leads us, in order to write new pages that speak for themselves of our relationship with God, transforming into life what we affirm and believe. We are called to hope in the vision of God for the future of our Delegation. In order to do this, we are called as consecrated women to communion, to discipleship, to be the living witnesses of the presence of God in our world. We pray for the grace to walk together towards integration, ‘helping each other to carry the burden, trusting in what God can do and wants to do with us” (XVI GC Document, p.13).
75 anni di presenza canossiana in Australia
L’anno 2024 non solo coincide con i 250 anni dalla nascita di Santa Maddalena, ma assume un significato speciale per noi, Sorelle della Delegazione dell'Australia, perché celebriamo i 75 anni di presenza canossiana nel nostro paese. Dal 1949, infatti, l'Istituto...
Postulanti in arrivo!
Martedì 19 marzo, Solennità di San Giuseppe, sono arrivate in Italia due postulanti: Heidi da Hong Kong e Marion dall'Australia, che inizieranno il loro noviziato qui a Roma. In questo tempo privilegiato di ascolto e formazione, saranno accompagnate dalla loro maestra...
The joy of Pentecost / La gioia della Pentecoste
Canossian Young Adult / giovani adulti Canossiani