The Canossian Daughters and Sons of Charity, joyfully gathered together with their lay partners, to launch the celebration of the 250th birth anniversary of our common Mother, St. Magdalene of Canossa on the evening of March 1st in a solemn Eucharistic Celebration led by Fr. Jao Leoveras, FdCC, other Canossian Priests and Vincentian Fathers. The Mass started with the pealing of the bell and the offering of symbols. The Crucifix was offered as a symbol of the Institute’s dedication to Jesus Crucified; the Globe as a symbol of making Jesus known and loved to the ends of the world and the Logo of the Sons and Daughters of Charity as the fire of love that seeks to embrace all for the salvation of souls. The Canossian Mass for May 8 was used in the liturgy. After the Communion Prayer, there was a wreath-laying to the Statue of St. Magdalene by Sr. Estrella Vasquez while the assembly was singing a hymn to St. Magdalene. There was a festive gathering at dinnertime as we all rejoice for the gift of our common Mother to us and to the Church.

The other communities also had their joyful celebration in the morning of March 1st, the schools with their students and the pastoral communities with their lay partners. In Cagayan de Oro, the Canossian Sisters and Fathers were united in celebrating this historic event. May we all be inflamed with the charity of Magdalene which she received from the Greatest Love of Jesus Crucified so that we can set life on fire to those around us in the people we serve. Viva Santa Maddalena di Canossa!