After a simple blessing ceremony, finally the work has begun on the completion of the Agata Carelli High School in Lomè, Togo. In the coming months, the entire second floor will be completed to finish the educational structure, which already welcomes 200 students, this is to accomplish the mandatory requirements required by the Togolese Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

The availability of new classrooms and laboratories will help to enhance and improve the educational system which is offered for many Togolese girls and boys.

Thus began to realize the dream of Luigia Francesca Lollato, a citizen of Schio (Vicenza) and a devotee to Saint Josephine Bakhita, who at her death left all her possessions in favor of initiatives on African soil. His faith and love for the poor will live on and continue to nurture the hope of a better life for generations and generations of young Africans.