In this month of December, in the City of Berisso (Province of Buenos Aires), in the Parish of Mary Help of Christians, the groups of Los Hornos (Susana, Dolores, Marcela, Karina, María Laura, Liliana) and Berisso (Lorena, Adriana, Bibiana, Héctor) renewed their promises in the Lay Canossian Association.

They were accompanied by the Sisters of both communities, together with their Sister Animators: Sr. Dolores Domeck (Berisso) and Sr. Beatriz Storari (L. Hornos). After the Holy Mass we all shared dinner together, the lay people in the initial formation and their relatives who were present also joined the celebration.

As the start of the new year by renewing my promises as a lay member of the great Canossian family is an invitation for me to strengthen my faith and to persevere in the witness of the “greatest Love”. I am happy to belong and to collaborate in the service and good of the poorest.


Liliana Asamé, Lay Canossian from La Plata, Argentina