Her presence, as a tender mother who welcomes her daughters, has left us a trail of lights that illuminates our lives and also embraces the humanity that is with us.
In these three days (November 9 – 11, 2024) of fraternal encounters, Sr. Sandra subsequently had the opportunity to meet the Church’s authority: the Most Reverend Bishop Msgr. Jean Marc Micas, the Rector Br. Michel Daubanes, the Vice-Rector Jean Xavir, the priests and lay people who work together with us in the Shrine.
The visit of the Mother General was an encounter of Jesus with us, his disciples, an encounter that renews our mind and vision: her visit with us is a source of great joy and consolation that wants to embrace all the humanity that we meet in our daily journey as women of the Word who love without measure. In fact, with pilgrims from all over the world here at the Shrine in the grotto of Lourdes, we try to share an agape of communion, in a spirit of peace, harmony and friendship.
Before concluding this brief page full of blessings from God, on behalf of the Sisters I want to thank the Lord for his Merciful Love that has accompanied us in the process of inculturation and incarnation of the genuine charism of St. Magdalene.
Above all, we wish to give it with integrity so that, through our presence, we can become an instrument in the hands of God: in works of charity and with the witness of life, lived together in fraternity, as Canossian Sisters we can show everyone the joy and acceptance of being Servants of the poor.
Sr. Domingas Guterres with the Sisters of the community of Lourdes.