To celebrate Mission Day, Sister Mery and Me, together with the children of SEKAMI (Pontifical Society of Missionary Children and Youth) of the Parish of the Queen of the Holy Rosary of Gianyar (Bali-Indonesia) celebrated the Eucharist together, making a visit and spiritual tour to the Tuka Middle Seminary.

The Sekami children were very enthusiastic and eager to take part in this activity because during the Eucharistic celebration they could perform in front of their parents and other parishioner in the form of songs and dances that had been trained by our team. The parish priest, Fr Dominikus Gusti Bagus Kusumawanta, parents, and all who participated in the Holy euchaist gave an applause after their presentantion. Thanks be to Gad everybody was very happy.

After Mass, Sr. Mery accompanied our children to stand in solidarity with others in need by distributing the donations they had collected in the form of toiletries to the seminarians.

Apart from that, the new experience that the children got is getting to know more closely the life of the Seminarians. Personally, I was very grateful and happy with this activity because it can bring Sekami children to know more about religious life from the perspective of prospective seminarians and of course also from the perspective of our presence with them.


By Sr. Madalena Quintão FdCC