I am Sister Marisa Budal Arins, Brazilian.

I am going to share with you how my missionary vocation was born.

My desire to be a missionary began in the novitiate, but it became stronger during my time in the juniorate. Deepening my knowledge of the life of our Mother Saint Magdalene, I could feel her great desire to go throughout the world to make Jesus known and loved. The testimony of joy, service and dedication of our missionary mothers who have left their homeland to serve the Lord in Brazil encouraged me to continue forward with this thought.

In my heart this desire was maturing and I felt that the Lord was calling me to go beyond the borders, to give my life, to share the faith, so that many brothers and sisters may know the Lord and experience his great love.

I arrived in Argentina in 1995; it has been 29 years since I left my homeland, my family to serve the Lord in this beautiful land. Every day the Lord helps me to grow in dedication and in the joy of serving Him in my brothers. I thank the Lord because I had the opportunity to go through several communities, living the joy of service and community life. I also lived two years in the community of Paraguay, it was a beautiful experience of service to those most in need.

In this missionary month the Church calls us to go out of ourselves to go meet the brothers who are far away from the faith. It is a great opportunity to renew our hearts and listen to Jesus who tells us in his Word: “Go into the whole world and announce the Gospel.”

With Saint Magdalene, let us continue to kindle life in the heart of our brothers so that they too may find in Jesus the true Love that saves and frees from all evil.

May Mary Most Holy Mother of the Missions bless all the missionaries who day by day give their lives in the announcement of the Word.