At the end of the Jubilee Year Celebration, we want to continue to live the invitation of Saint Magdalene who invites us to light the gift of charism in our hearts, to reactivate charity as a gift of love and freedom.

“Charity is a fire”, says Saint Magdalene: we want to continue to dream so that Love, which lights up Life and loves without measure, becomes a reality…

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the creativity of the music, the content of the song, the voices, the translation and adaptation to the Italian language, the video, the audio remix for the Italian version, which allows us to remember and praise what Saint Magdalene left us as a legacy to illuminate our lives with the fire of the Lord.

We would like to thank again: Sr. Edel Clúa, Canossian, Jorge Clúa, Sr. Alessandra De Luca, Gianfranco Pesare, Maria Pia Spadavecchia, Daniela Di Bernardo, Maurizio Colucci, Giampiero Ferrante, Florencia Salinardi, María Noelia García Clúa.